Location, i hear you ask? That's pretty general, is it not? Sure, but location encompasses a lot of different things. At most general level, many urban condos come in the heart of cities. But if you break it down further - say within biking or walking distance - urban condos are near bars and restaurants, competitive sports, theaters along with other arts, public transportation. Unlike some of my suburban friends, I haven't got to get when driving to experience just about any cultural or sporting event I want.
While my job entails plenty of driving in and out of the city, there are lots of people who elect to live without cars. They could do so because their condo if near the place they work. Individuals who work at home could have to walk along the hallway to get to their desks; anyone who has condos near their office take pleasure in the next best thing. Oftentimes, they could walk to the office and avoid problems associated with driving and parking. If they want to go home and have lunch, they have the option. At the same time, if they wish to go for happy hour or dinner after work, there probably are multiple options in seconds of their office or their condo.
Another facet of condo locations I like is that people often arrived at where I will be. Given my condo is indeed close to the activities people love, they drive in to the city and cope with parking. I merely meet them in the restaurant or stadium. And when it's time to head home, I've a few-minute walk before me, while my buddies have to get in their cars and drive for at least a few minutes.
Finally, shopping. Because i am not really a big shopper myself, the choices within walking distance are nearly endless. You will find department stores and chain stores carrying brands of clothing and residential ware that everyone would recognize, to small, independent shops to get things you can't get anywhere else. If I have to have a last-minute gift for an individual, or have been taking into consideration the perfect present for months, I probably simply have to go for a walk to go get it.
As I said earlier inside the article, people have reasons for living in condos. Despite the fact that location tops this list for me, I could go on and on about why I really like it. But that is a topic for another day.